To the CORe of the SUBstrate: 

inception and development of Mediterranean algal reefs 

PRIN 2022 - Project n°2022RKHBMB

Finanziato dall'Unione Europea - Next Generation EU


SEPTEMBER: we are back!

September has arrived and we are now planning for the next steps. 

ROV inspections and sampling are on the table

Preliminary results from CORSUB1 campaign has been shared at the 13th IFAA Symposium held in Le Castella (KR; Italy) ( 

The study site is quite challenging, but when things get tough, our work becomes even more fascinating.

Deliverables 3 and 4 are now available

If you are interested on our Spatial database and WEBGIS, deliverables are now available in the OUTREACH page. Click on the number to open the link and access the document.

CORSUB1 - first survey campaign done!

We are thrilled to announce that our first survey campaign has been completed.

VA Bracchi and R Tonielli worked in the studied area between 24 and 28 June 2024, collecting Side Scan Sonar and Sub-bottom Profiler data from the areas of interest. We also did a preliminary exploration by using a remote operated vehicle. 

What we can say? Targeted morphologies are there but we can't share more than this up to now.

Stay tuned to be updated!

CORSUB @Paleodays2024

CORSUB project has been presented at the Paleodays 2024, the XXIV Congress of the Italian Society of Paleontology.

The CORSUB geoportal is online

The CORSUB geoportal and the metadata catalogue are online.

CLICK AND ACCESS to all the information regarding the geology, biology and more of the submerged area of ​​Punta Licosa.

IFAA 2024

Join us at the 13th   International Symposium on Fossil algae of the IFAA

Because of the central role of calcareous algae in the global carbon budget, especially welcome are contributions aimed at the identification and delimitation in space and time of marine habitats dominated by calcareous algae, across latitudinal gradients and in different (paleo)environmental settings.

The third circular of the IFAA 2024 is now available at THIS LINK.

Logo Corsub


There is everything inside it: sea, vessel, acoustic, sampling, and our mysterious shape at seafloor.

The logo has been realized by the graphic designer Monnalisa Bracchi, starting from our ideas.


KICKOFF Meeting - 20 October 2023

We had our Kickoff Meeting and CORSUB officially started and planned the first months of the project. Hope to go to the sea soon!

CORSUB has started: the project officially started on 29 September 2023. Stay tuned!