The CORSUB Project data infrastructure follows the Findable, Accessible Interoperable and Re-usable (FAIR) principles for managing research data and fostering the exchange of scientific data. The infrastructure meets the FAIR data principles supporting the exchange of scientific data and leading to knowledge discovery and innovation. 

It consists of three main components: 

CORSUB GEOPORTAL integrates previous knowledge about the Quaternary submarine geology, geomorphology, stratigraphy and marine habitats of the Cilento peninsula, with the new data coming from our project and its continuous update withing the duration of the project. The GEOPORTAL has a user-friendly web Interface where scientists, policy makers and citizens are able to visualize and navigate the data in the four Project Areas. 


CORSUB METADATA CATALOGUE is for data discovery and preservation. Through the catalogue, users are able to find information about data and documents produced in the Projects. The metadata describe among others data history, data availability, access rights, contact persons, Persistent Identifiers (e.g. DOI), and contain the link to access data and documents according to the CORSUB Data Policy.

>>> CORSUB metadata catalogue


CORSUB CLOUD is the repository for data conservation. This CLOUD contains all the documents, raw- and processed data, reports, videos and images related to the project. Only for internal users.

>>> CORSUB cloud